haha it's not a song...
i'm back! i didn't drop off the face of the Earth! i don't have an excuse as to where i was. i just didn't feel like blogging. but i'm back! yay!
i live in a really small town, and there's always someone who wants to leave the town and go to a big city. so this is for them.
People say that life in a small town is amazing. They see it on TV and the read it in books. It puts this image in your head. An image of everyone getting along, everyone smiling, everyone loving. I can tell you from experience that it's ... kind of like that. Pretty close.
But there's always that one kid who wants out. More than anything they want to get out of the history, out of the hustle and bustle.
I hear that years ago, his name was Seth. He had a broken family and a broken heart. Everyone could always find something mean to say about him, and he wanted to get away. I guess it turns out that he couldn't get out, because his daughter goes to school with me. Or maybe he got out but came back. I don't know.
A few years later, it was Sara. She was pregnant with an unexpected child, and she wanted to run from unrequited love. Run to Seattle. But she stood her ground. It was her town as much as it was his. Now her daughter is one of my best friends.
I always wonder why people want to get away from this town and go to a big city. Sure, it has it's flaws. Nothing is perfect. I guess they want a taste of the world, the big scary thing outside the limits of our little slice of the world. But I think we all belong here. And I'm glad Seth and Sara stayed.
yeah, i'm a little rusty on the story writing thing...
I lost 39 lbs.
Go me--- I lost 39 lbs.
40 to go.
I want to reach 160.
In other news----
My relationship has been a bit rocky lately--but hopefully things will
start turn...
14 years ago