hey everyone! so basically this is a sporadically updated blog of my life and times. and i'll warn you know. i might seem a bit bipolar, but i'm just a little crazy. some days i'm depressed, some day's i'm bursting with happiness. but i can assure you this -- all of my clouds have a silver lining eventually.
I lost 39 lbs.
Go me--- I lost 39 lbs.
40 to go.
I want to reach 160.
In other news----
My relationship has been a bit rocky lately--but hopefully things will
start turn...
14 years ago
4 clouds or silver linings:
hey mee.
don't say i'm not a good "bff" because i just became the first person the follow your blog.
sunday getting to you? the post made it seem like your having a badish day. but if it's of any comfort, nicole kelly and i (the emo people, ha ha) have almost got sunday to quit FTPH! and it can't be long before she throws the towel in! yay!!
i've got your back, mee. just remember that!
... always and forever...
hey meena!!
i really like your text on your sidebar!! where did you come up with it??
anyways, good luck blogging and i hope you stay yourself!!
Christine ^_^
hey there, i don't know you do i?
thanks for following though! hope i'm not too boring, haha.
please don't give up on your blog, mee! you could really use an outlet right now and i'm really trying to help but... gosh meena! it makes me feel so helpless when you're unhappy! you always make me smile when i'm depressed and i can never just make you smile when your sad. even a little. blogging seemed to release pressure from a lot of panamah students. i want you to be one of them! you're maybe the best person i've ever known! if this is what you want, then don't give it up. don't pay attention to what everyone says! it takes a good person to admit they're imperfect and deal with it. your two times the person i ever was and ever will be! and realizing that this isn't only about your blog, it's about life. you can't let ANYONE take away your drive. NO ONE. when you lose hope you lose everything. believe in yourself. if for no other reason than that i believe in you. you're a fighter. and if that gives you a mask that you're forced to wear... i wouldn't change anything about you, meena.
love, andrew
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