so Cassandra wants me to tell you about my summer vacation. but before i do that, one of my comments on the last post said i should get a fun piercing instead of a tattoo. they do have a point. a piercing is more day-to-day (rings and such), and if i decide not to put anything in it, it will eventually heal over. hmm... thanks for the idea, Jillian Christine! i'm really digging it! but getting back to what Cassandra said. i spend my summer like i spend all my summers. goofing off with Jensen and Andrew! we did all of our usual Meerewsen (all out names combined! haha, like it?) stuff. crazy bets and dares, childhood favorites, all those things. but that's all i feel like writing for now. bye!
I lost 39 lbs.
Go me--- I lost 39 lbs.
40 to go.
I want to reach 160.
In other news----
My relationship has been a bit rocky lately--but hopefully things will
start turn...
14 years ago
0 clouds or silver linings:
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