today is another short story day. i like to write short stories. they make no sense, and i don't have to attempt to explain them. they're fun. and HYPOTHETICAL!
Sometimes things happen and you can't stop them. No matter what. You can only sit back and watch the fireworks.
This was one of those things.
We'd been friends for a while. He was always chased by other girls, and I was a single mother. I always just assumed nothing would or could happen. He was very good with my daughter, Jessica. She really liked him, but we both understood that he wasn't a romantic interest of mine.
My fiance had been killed in the army. I always told myself that I would never fall in love again. I always thought it was true.
Jessica loved him, almost as she had loved my fiance, her father. He loved her, too. He had told her so once.
Having him around really helped. He always took care of her if I needed a break. He loved it. Jessica loved it. I loved it.
But until today I never thought that I loved him. He was an amazing friend. Today I thought I loved him. It was while he was making Jessica laugh. He looked over at me and smiled. At that moment I found myself wondering what it would be like to kiss him. At that moment I discovered that I'd been wondering that in the back of my mind for a few weeks. But I didn't try. I was too scared.
Now I was incredibly curious. I was staring at his mouth while he was trying to talk to me. He looked confused.
"Are you staring at my mouth?" he asked. What an awkward question. The answer was yes, but I wasn't about to admit it.
"Sorry. I was just kind of spacing out." I replied. He smiled.
"Oh, you're tired right?" he said. "You have little bags under your eyes." I liked to consider myself an attractive young woman, so bags under my eyes was not a good thing.
"Yeah, Jessica was up all night." I said, rubbing one of my eyes. "You heard the thunder, right? She hates thunder and lightning."
"Yeah, I know." he smiled. Feeling my curiosity nag again, I picked a dandelion growing near my feet. He cocked his head to the side.
"You wish on dandelions?" I smiled.
"Yeah. Why not, right?" I took a deep breath and blew on the dandelion. To my surprise, every single seed fell off and blew away in the wind. I turned it in my hand, slightly disbelieving that I had actually managed to blow every seed off. He smiled and nudged me a little.
"Hey, you blew them all off. That means your wish will come true." he said. Little did he know that I had wished for the guts to kiss him. His mouth was looking better by the second, and to my own horror my wish really was coming true.
"What did you wish for?" he asked. The only thing stopping me was how much taller he was than me. I was only five feet tall and he was a little over six feet. I couldn't reach him without him bending down. I smiled a forced smile.
"If I tell you, then it won't come true." I couldn't decide if I was delighted or terrified when he leaned a little closer to me.
"Whisper. Then the dandelions won't hear you." he said, quietly. All I had to do was stand on my tip-toes and his mouth would meet mine. The very thought made my head spin. I wasn't sure if I could or even if I wanted to. I knew I wanted to, but I didn't want to ruin what we had.
I couldn't stop myself as I shifted on my toes and kissed him. It felt a million times better than I had ever imagined. The only problem was I didn't want to pull away. I didn't want to see his reaction. But I didn't want to keep my mouth there too long and look creepy.
Just as I was going to pull away, I felt a little push. He kissed me back. I didn't know what to do. I had never anticipated the possibility of him kissing me. I just stood there and enjoyed the moment. I wanted it to last forever. But eventually my nerves got the better of me and I pulled back.
"That's what I wished for." I whispered. I was still so close that my nose was brushing against his. He smiled again.
"Looks like you got your wish." he whispered back to me. I smiled and crinkled my nose, not wanting these few moments to ever go away.
I lost 39 lbs.
Go me--- I lost 39 lbs.
40 to go.
I want to reach 160.
In other news----
My relationship has been a bit rocky lately--but hopefully things will
start turn...
14 years ago
2 clouds or silver linings:
Wow!! THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL!!! I just discovered your blog...somehow...I forget how. I've read every post and I'm going to follow. I LOVE this story!!!!!!
love this story, Meena! it's sweet. i kinda hope you'll revisit these characters. i'd like to hear more from them. i think they're cute! btw, why don't you ever mention the names? i mean you mentioned the daughter being Jessica, but what are the two main characters' names?? just curious. love the story lots. you go!
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