In a perfect world, no one would hate, and everyone would love.
In a prefect world, no one would suffer.
In a perfect world, two people in love would be together forever without having to worry about the curveballs of life.
In a perfect world, a child would never have to suffer losing a parent, and a parent a child.
In a perfect world, the words "I love you" would be said at least once a day by everyone to everyone.
In a perfect world, school would be about friendship and education, not about fashion and cliques.
In a perfect world, a friend would walk into your life and never ever walk out.
In a perfect world, there would be no such thing as hatred, jealousy, malice, war, or revenge.
In a perfect world, no one would ever hit a child.
In a perfect world, people would kiss more often than fight.
In a perfect world, the rich would give to the poor.
In a perfect world, the full would give to the hungry.
In a perfect world, love would mean more than sex.
In a perfect world, the world wouldn't have this many imperfects that would cause me to with for a perfect world.
I lost 39 lbs.
Go me--- I lost 39 lbs.
40 to go.
I want to reach 160.
In other news----
My relationship has been a bit rocky lately--but hopefully things will
start turn...
13 years ago
0 clouds or silver linings:
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