everyone and everything in this world has flaws
everyone and everything has done something they're not proud of
something they wish they could take back
something they never should have done
something that makes people look the other way
pretend they're not there
you've done more than your fair show of those things
every day a new mistake comes back around to punish you
i should hate you for all the bad things you've done
i should leave you for all the craziness i can't even imagine
i should
but i can't
every time you smile everything else washed away
every time you smile i can't hate you
because it's that moment that you silently say
"i'm sorry" and "i love you"
your eyes just seem to whisper
"i'm telling the truth"
i should hate you, as everyone else
i should
but i could never think a bad thought about you
i could never say a mean word against you
i could never hate you
because i love you too much for that
[my fav so far, feedback is welcome]
I lost 39 lbs.
Go me--- I lost 39 lbs.
40 to go.
I want to reach 160.
In other news----
My relationship has been a bit rocky lately--but hopefully things will
start turn...
14 years ago
0 clouds or silver linings:
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